What's the deal with SMUDGE STICKS?

What's the deal with SMUDGE STICKS?
Well firstly, they look absolutely stunning! Who knew that taking a bunch of different herbs and flowers, scrunching them up and tying them together would look THIS beautiful?! Hanging them up around your home makes for unique and earthy decor. Who says that you need to burn them if all you want to do is admire them. That's totally fine!
On the other hand though, smudge sticks are amazing tools to help clear negative energy and there's actual science behind this.
Burning certain herbs is highly effective in reducing airborne bacteria. It neutralises positive charges and releases negative ions, and have antiseptic as well as bacteria-killing properties. The "sacred smoke" from these bundles are not intended for our bodies, but rather the air and energy around our bodies. Anything can be smudged - a room, a cupboard, even objects. The smoke helps to clear negative energy from the environment or a persons field or aura. This in turn makes us feel lighter, refreshed and feeling more positive.
Do you need a beautiful smudge stick? I have a few options for you HERE - each intended for something different.